Find Octapharma Plasma Donation Centers in Kansas City

Kansas City-495
7535 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66112
6320 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118
4470 S. Noland Road, Independence, MO 64055
Kansas City-495
7535 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66112
6320 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118
4470 S. Noland Road, Independence, MO 64055

Octapharma Plasma Donation Centers in Kansas City


Safe. Fast. Clean. Comfortable. And close by.


Find the address, telephone, & hours of the closest Octapharma Plasma donation center in Kansas City near you.


Octapharma Plasma, Inc. is a U.S.-based company that collects plasma used to create life-saving medicines for patients around the world. We run more than 150 Plasma Donation Centers in the U.S and employ more than 3,500 people nationally. Our donors are our most valued customers because they make saving and improving lives possible every day.

Plasma Donation Resources

Quick Links to Donor Tools


Plasma donation at your fingertips with our mobile app.


Make your next plasma donation experience seamless & efficient by filling out our online OctaPass. Learn more about how it works.

Donor Portal

Determine your upcoming payment level based on your last 35 days of plasma donations.


Our way of recognizing & rewarding valued donors! As a member, you earn points to qualify for tiered rewards including Express Passes, e-gift card

Plasma Donation Center - Donate Plasma for Money - Octapharma Plasma Donation