Plasma Donation Centers in Indiana
Find Octapharma Plasma Donation Centers in Indiana
Safe. Fast. Clean. Comfortable. And close by.
Find the address, telephone, & hours of the closest Octapharma Plasma donation center in Indiana near you.
Multi-Center City Locations
- Indianapolis, IN – 2 Plasma Centers
Single-Center City Locations
- Terre Haute, IN – Walnut St
- Evansville, IN – N. First Ave
- South Bend, IN – S. Michigan St
- Evansville, IN – N. First Ave
Octapharma Plasma, Inc. is a U.S.-based company that collects plasma used to create life-saving medicines for patients around the world. We run more than 150 Plasma Donation Centers in the U.S and employ more than 3,500 people nationally. Our donors are our most valued customers because they make saving and improving lives possible every day.
Plasma Donation Resources
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